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fresh from the pristine waters of the southwest……..

rock flathead Flatheads are superb table fishes, with finely textured flesh. It can also be steamed, poached, pan-fried or grilled. But many argue it is the best Australian fish for fish’n’chips, mild to sweet flavour, flakey, moist fish, best battered or crumbed, G.M. Sharp, Albany 17 King George Whiting Whitings are prized for their firm, […]

wok’s up?…..

mie goreng redfish stirfried albany skate and exmouth prawns, bok choy & king mushrooms, rice noodles, topped with easy over egg 21 GF cobbler wrap crispy crumbed albany cobbler, tangy coleslaw, chipotle mayo, sweet potato chips 19 sardines panfried parmesan crumbed fremantle sardines, aioli 15 (5/serve)  

all wrapped….

cobbler wrap crispy crumbed albany cobbler, tangy coleslaw, chipotle mayo, sweet potato chips 19 sardines panfried parmesan crumbed fremantle sardines, aioli 15 (5/serve) wings crispy battered snapper wings, chips & korean bbq dipping sauce 17 (gf option)

just some of the local fish tonight……

rock flathead many argue it is the best Australian fish for fish’n’chips, mild to sweet flavour, flakey, moist fish, best battered or crumbed, G.M. Sharp, Albany 17 Goldband Snapper delicate mild-medium flavour, low oiliness and moist, firm flesh with large flakes, line caught, Greg Brodie, Exmouth 20 Gummy Shark have sweet and delicious flesh, and […]

reel fish, reel fresh, reel fishermen…….Redfish

red emperor As one of WA’s most premium species, Red Emperor has become a favourite for its sweet flavour and firm, pearl white flesh. Red Emperor is a superb finfish to eat and its white, juicy flesh is delicious line caught, Haydn McTaggart, Abrolhos Islands  27 rock flathead Flatheads are superb table fishes, with finely textured flesh. It […]

3 R’s….Red Emperor, Rockies, Redfish, fish & chips……

red emperor As one of WA’s most premium species, Red Emperor has become a favourite for its sweet flavour and firm, pearl white flesh. Red Emperor is a superb finfish to eat and its white, juicy flesh is delicious line caught, Haydn McTaggart, Abrolhos Islands  27 rock flathead Flatheads are superb table fishes, with finely textured flesh. It […]

the best from the south west…..fresh & local

Nannygai (AKA Redfish) Sweet, firmish, white as snow flesh, bloody nice….. line caught Augusta, Anthony Hesselwood, Revolution Fisheries 26 rock flathead Flatheads are superb table fishes, with finely textured flesh. It can also be steamed, poached, pan-fried or grilled. But many argue it is the best Australian fish for fish’n’chips, mild to sweet flavour, flakey, moist […]

and we have……

Pink Snapper These are some of the best pinkies I’ve ever seen, well handled and fresh as….. Pink snapper are one of Western Australia’s best-known and most sought-after fish, prized by commercial and recreational fishers alike, and seafood lovers for their excellent taste. In WA, pink snapper are found from the warmer waters north of […]

fresh & local……

nannygai (AKA Redfish) Sweet, firmish, white as snow flesh, bloody nice….. line caught Windy Harbour, Nigel Kelly, FV Saltrun 25 flounder This fish is common in estuaries and bays of Western Australia, including Swan Estuary Marine Park and Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park. Flounder is a mild-tasting fish with a slightly sweet undertone. Its […]

Reel fish, reel fishermen….Redfish…

flounder This fish is common in estuaries and bays of Western Australia, including Swan Estuary Marine Park and Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park. Flounder is a mild-tasting fish with a slightly sweet undertone. Its texture is delicate and fine with low levels of oiliness and moisture, we have managed to score some large ones […]