the best from the south west…….

nannygai (AKA Redfish) Sweet, firmish, white as snow flesh, bloody nice….. line caught Windy Harbour, Nigel Kelly, FV Saltrun 25 cobbler Cobbler are ‘endemic’ to Australia, meaning they’re only found here. They live in the southern half of the country, in coastal and estuarine waters up to about 30 metres deep. Cobbler has soft, delicate […]
open all weekend, including Monday PH …….no surcharge

cobbler Cobbler are ‘endemic’ to Australia, meaning they’re only found here. They live in the southern half of the country, in coastal and estuarine waters up to about 30 metres deep. Cobbler has soft, delicate flesh that’s good to eat A. Rule, Albany 14 Red Emperor As one of WA’s most premium species, Red Emperor […]
balls up…….

Have you tried our balls yet? A delicious take on a famous Japanese street food classic Takoyaki House made Bass Strait squid balls, crispy fried in our super thin batter, topped with Chris’s secret sauce and dried bonito flakes….mmmmm delicious. Available now. whole flounder big & beautiful whole albany flounder, coriander & ginger butter, garden […]
fresh of the hook……

Pink Snapper Pink snapper are one of Western Australia’s best-known and most sought-after fish, prized by commercial and recreational fishers alike, and seafood lovers for their excellent taste. In WA, pink snapper are found from the warmer waters to the north of Karratha to the cooler waters of the Great Australian Bight. line caught, Greg […]
only local…..that’s Redfish…….

nannygai (AKA Redfish) Sweet, firmish, white as snow flesh, bloody nice….. line caught Windy Harbour, Nigel Kelly, FV Saltrun 25 flounder This fish is common in estuaries and bays of Western Australia, including Swan Estuary Marine Park and Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park. Flounder is a mild-tasting fish with a slightly sweet undertone. Its […]
if it’s local, it’s at Redfish…..

Red Emperor As one of WA’s most premium species, Red Emperor has become a favourite for its sweet flavour and firm, pearl white flesh. Red Emperor is a superb finfish to eat and its white, juicy flesh is delicious line caught, Glen Brodie, Shark Bay. FV Just George 27 Flounder This fish is common in estuaries and […]